FASHION #67 Facebook shapes your taste

Brand loyalty? I think a lot about marketing. 20 years ago I thought it is only possible to get people to be loyal to a brand if they are between 11 and 17. When you do not work and you do not earn your own money. You run to the store for a teen magazine or CD (driven by emotion). When you earn your own money you have other priorities: rent, insurance, kids' school items, retiredment savements.

You do not run to the store at age of 34. You order online or plan your trip to the store with your child or friend. As a Facebook survey says it is driven by trust and service but the highest % is


with 39% versus trust 17-23%. It is not just about grocery, car insurance, airlines, restaurants and hotels. It is about social media itself. It is taste. Facebook or Twitter? LinkedIn or BeBee? Snapchat or Tumblr? So, take it easy. Does not matter how many reclame spots attack you every day via TV, youtube, social media, your taste does win. Happy?

"We found that 77% of people surveyed are returning to the same brands again and again. 37% indicate they make repeat purchases and are loyal to a company (“Brand Loyalists”*), and 40% say they make repeat purchases but are not loyal to a company (“Repeat Purchasers”*)."

Hear from 14,700 US adults about what makes them loyal to a brand.

LifeOnFireTV by Nick Unsworth


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