FREEDOM #100 A little Finland in Amsterdam OOST - Start the Purification Rundown (sauna detox program) in Amsterdam East

Start the Purification program now!
Follow my journey 56 days long.

Why to participate?

To rid yourself of the harmful effects of drugs, toxins and other chemicals that lodge in your body and create a biochemical barrier to spiritual well-being.

Day 1 (tuesday 17 september- I started with 10 minutes exercise and 2 hours sitting at the sauna. 2-3 people come together and we start to tell jokes. I only remember good jokes. The rest I forget quickly. 

I drank 1.2 liters water and took 10 different vitamins. Everything is personalized by a professional supervisor. No special reactions, yet. I never work with chemical product and never used dangerous drugs. If you purchase L. Ron Hubbard: CLEAN BODY, CLEAN MIND book, the end of the book are many testimonials and success stories of people: by painters, by artists, by airplane mechanics, by make-up artists etc. Ask me how to purchase it.

Day 2 (wednesday 18 september- Yesterday I had a mild head ache for 5 hours in the evening. No intention to take paracetamol. It was over quickly. I hope I can find other bloggers who share this article. Because you must read it. I took same vitamins and minerals as yesterday. I drank 1.2 liters water. Red skin and an amazing holidays felling. No strange reaction yet, but it is just the beginning.

Day 3 (thursday 19 september- I am trying to drink more water: 1,8 liters. I am trying to eat more vegetables. My standard is tomato or spinach. But it's also difficult as ready to the last gaiter button vegetables are not delicious. Only fresh one or steamed by myself.

Day 4 (friday 21 september- Radiating heat during exercise (face, hands, arms), mild stabbing pain on my face which disappears in 30 minutes at the sauna. Uh... 

Day 5 (saturday 22 september- Weekend is no exception. Exercise is exercise. Dubble time: 20 minutes. Same radiating heat without that light stabbing pain. I am eating more vegetables: 400 grams wok mix vegetables.

Day 6 (sunday 23 september- I still want to eat more vegetables. Lasagne and salmon and a cucumber. And cucumber slices in my water bottle. How the hell can I drink up 1,8 liters water? No way. My stomach feels like a melon. Full of water. Sauna is amazing! (If you got inspired to sweat with us and clean your body (pesticides, solar radiation, medical drugs, anaesthetics and environmental toxins), write me a DM via LinkedIn.

Raining whole day. Autumn started. It's official.

Day 7 (monday 24 september- I figured it out how I can drink more water. With melon slices and a little syrup. It does not go up but does not go down at least. 

I thought you can see the water bottle on this picture but not...:
Sport bag, vitamin box, clipboard, text book, illustrated book, work book for reports, t-shirt, shorts (from left to right)

Day 8 (tuesday 25 septemberRadiating heat during exercise (face, hands, arms), mild stabbing pain on my face which disappears in 30 minutes at the sauna. Same like day 4. Only more. On my neck, too.

Day 9 (wednesday 26 september- I need to pray that Purif lasts 56 days and not only 22 or something like that. It is so awesome! No reactions. Sweating like hell. :)

Day 10 (thursday 27 september- No sweat! Solution: salt.

Day 11 (friday 28 september- Game day. 4 people at the sauna. We say country names with a letter. During every round we say a new letter. If someone does not have a country name, he says pass. I won. But other categories were not my cup of tea: vegetables, fruits. And all in Dutch. 

Day 12 (saturday 29 september- One of the participants is a singer. So we sing sometimes. 

Day 13 (sunday 30 september- I did not know that exercise will be so easy. I do not die after 20 minutes. And tomorrow I will put syrup into my CalMag drink.

Day 14 (monday 1 october- I've got a baby skin. And my feet feels light. Consequences: I can wake up easier. 

Day 15 (tuesdayday 2 october) - I can drink 3,6 liter water in 3 hours. WOW! 

Day 16 (wednesday 3 october) - The sauna more full and full. 10 people. Maximum capacity is 12 people and we have two saunas. So who does want to sweat? Interesting facts about sweat: 1. Sweat secretions help you. They include dermcidin, an antibiotic peptide that appears to regulate bacteria growth on the skin and may fight infection. 2. Men sweat up to twice as much as women, and both sexes sweat less with age. 3. A pair of human feet has 250,000 sweat glands, emitting a half pint of liquid every day.

Day 17 (thursday 4 octoberNot the best day of my life. Spinach and 2 eggs. All came out: diarrhea. I think the yogurt and the blackberries stayed in my stomach. 

Day 18 (friday 5 octoberDiarrhea in exponentiation but I love the weather. :) And one of the participants completed the program tonight! 
🏆 🥇

Day 19 (saturday 6 octoberDiarrhea is still an issue.  

Day 20 (monday 8 october) 3000 g niacin (a form of vitamin B3), almost the maximum (5000). 

Day 21 (tuesday 9 october) Still 3000 g niacin. Less diarrhea. I feel amazing!  

Day 22 (wednesday 10 october) Today 3500 g? And we have 2 new people in the sauna! YES! If you got inspired to sweat with us and clean your body (pesticides, solar radiation, medical drugs, anaesthetics and environmental toxins), write me a DM via LinkedIn

Day 23 
Benefits:  I sleep better. I drink less coffee.

Purification programs in the USA

I visited the doctor and she said I am healthy - except that I need more vitamin D and K


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