FASHION #45 Keychain made from carneval mask (house, scooter, bike, office) by Gerard
The picture is from last year - I am just opening a big giftbox full of great things from the FOTYAWARDS award show: 

1. LinkedIn #coffee cup (#kávé bögre)

"I am joking with my housemates. Look, we have internet, pointing to my LinkedIn coffee cup. It is offline."
2. MINI usb & iPhone #charger (telefon és usb #töltő)
"I am thinking I keep it in the box untill I need it."
3. Total water #canteen for cycling (vizes #kulacs biciklire)
"It is in the kitchen now."

4. ... and the best: "I use the whole mask (from onlinebank Knab - "You are an entrepreneur hero") as key #chain. If you have a carneval mask with elastic your teen daughter or son can use it in her/his bag. My housemates loose their key almost every day. This mask is funny and practical in one." (Ha van egy farsangi maszkod elasztikkal, a kamasz fiad vagy lányod táskájában #kulcstartó -ként remekül funkcionál. A lakótársaim majdnem minden nap elhagyják a kulcsukat. Ez a maszk vicces és praktikus.)

Summit: The big deal is that FOTYAWARDS (Év magánvállalkozója díjátadó Hollandiában) gave us tiny promotion gifts last year (2O15- April 2nd 2O16) and I left it in a big gift box, untouchable.

Till now.

And I've found crazy things from sponsors who support the competition. Cup in case internet has a break. Charger which does not in charge. I am not a tech person. Water canteen and the blue mask. ThePerfectKeyChain. Because every object have dubble function. Nothing is trash. Super!!!

+ MAC skin foundation (Studio Sculpt SPF15 4Oml)

("It was not from FOTYAWARDS but it was in the same box. And it warms up my heart. Symbolic or literally. Who cares...")

RT @VerenigAANEEN Thank you for being so kind to vote for us! #vote4Szilvia #stemopmij #szavazzrám via @ratecardio VoteHere:… …

About the photo: Gerard's books:

Zet je burnout uit en je depressie af
ISBN 978.90.8842.147.1
Doe het andersom met behulp van de niranam methode
ISBN 978.90.7724.788.4
Niranam wijsheden
Verloren kinderen
ISBN 978.90.8842.071.9 |

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