FREEDOM #47 Coke Can 100% recyclable and pretty

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They say millionairs lead the world and they have millionairs around them. Not good. - they say. They say billionairs lead the world and they have billionairs around them to finance a campaign. Not good. - they say.

But you never tought about it that
"You are a millionair, too, just you don't know about it." - Szilvia

For you computer is just a toy:
  • free knowledge,
  • free movies, 
  • free casino, 
  • free p....o.

For you trash is just trash:

For me it is work: 
  • teaching you How to Run a Paperless Office. I am completely digital.
  • writing smart texts, 
  • counting my budget, 
  • editing parts people did not see because it was dark (late), 
  • correcting sentences, 
  • designing your favorite gadget, 
  • supporting others who take care for old and sick people.
"Learn from 
your Children!
Money is just money,
but a clean home, 
garden, restaurant 
or hotel is NO.1 prority!" -

#getrecommend follows BodabagsFashion #bodabags #szilvia #szmarketing 
A platform for the world's best #freelancers &

"Do You Want to Be an Outstanding Freelancer? Develop This Daily Routine""
#Freelance #Freelancing
Dallas, TX, United States 
More Ideas, Less Waste. Earth911 is your one stop shop for green living tips, upcycling inspiration, and recycling resources. In the West, we recycle because of our understanding that in doing so, it is essential for conserving the planet’s resources. However, for some of the poorest people in the developing world, recycling often isn’t a choice, but a necessity of life.
The Netherlands
Wees realistisch, ga recyclen. Circulair‎ Recycling draagt op meerdere manieren bij aan een schoner milieu. Lees meer! Breid je netwerk uit · Inspireer en Leer · Circulair Ondernemen
Recycling for your average suburban household in South Africa is a bit of a schlep: the infrastructure for collecting recyclable material isn’t really in place – yet. Households generally have to separate their rubbish and take the recyclables to a municipal drop-off centre or a buy-back centre because there’s not much in the way of kerbside collection. 

PS. Informal recyclers recover much of this material from dustbins and landfill sites. This is not ideal, firstly from the point of view of the health and safety of the recyclers. But also because the recyclable material is contaminated with other waste. First prize would be if households sorted their waste, so that “uncontaminated” recyclable material could be collected.
Mumbai, India
For the past three decades, there has been a transformation of the recycling psyches that has been experienced across the globe. New consumerism heaped atop rapid urbanisation and population growth has left municipalities with overarching concerns regarding waste management. For this reason, recycling has become a worldwide multi-billion dollar industry and is set to increase as our consumer culture continues to accelerate. In the West, we recycle because of our understanding that in doing so, it is essential for conserving the planet’s resources. However, for some of the poorest people in the developing world, recycling often isn’t a choice, but a necessity of life.

Mexico, Latin-America
While the US has thousands of local recycling programs, Mexico has few.

Coke Can 100% recyclable and pretty


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