FOOD #50 Are the predictions of Edgar Cayce right? 70-mile crack

It is December 24th! Merry Christmas to all! Enjoy the holidays

But from then think about the earth: NASA spotted a 70-mile crack that split Antarctica 

Are the predictions of Edgar Cayce right? - This is yet another sign that the Antarctic ice melts and sea level will undoubtedly rise, wreak havoc on coastal areas. Weather patterns will become more unpredictable and freaky. Given the current state of our world, just imagine what would do for global hurricanes and severe storms ... Read more:

NASA spotte een 70 mijl lange scheur die Antarctica splijt 

Dit is het zoveelste teken dat het Antarctische ijs smelt en de zeespiegel zal ongetwijfeld stijgen, ravage aanrichten op de kustgebieden. Weerpatronen gaan meer onvoorspelbaar en freaky worden. Gezien de huidige staat van onze wereld, stel je eens voor wat mondiale orkanen en zware stormen zouden doen … Lees meer:

This is my 5O article! 
Why did I gave FOOD as category name? Because I think that we human cause global warming by wasting trash and not recycling them on time at home. And factories... #buylocal #producelocal #fashionondemand


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