FREEDOM #83 Humanity through the eyes of a 98 years old lady

How was your day? A busy job day or you went to the church?

A 98 years old lady did something touching. Evelin's story is exemplary. Not because she is 98 and als not because she did a huge thing but after reading you will have a feeling you want to do something for your neightbor.

I've just got an elegant white shirt from my neightbor. Last minute borrow. Thanks Palmira.
Back to Evelin. One day she lost her driving licence. Someone thaught she is too old. She and her best friend lives in a retiredment community. There was no bus connection between the senior community center and the town where they could shop. Her friend was so said that she promised her to get the driving licence again. So said, so done. She passed on the exams and now she drives her best friend to the town to shop together: fresh fruit, milk products etc.

Please vote for this special project that shows the beauty of the human race! , press the button 'Stemmen', in the video:

Being 98.


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