FOOD #71 Barbecue Prohibition Vondelpark continues
Grilling sausages and hamburgers in the Vondelpark is now a nostalgic memory from the past. From March 1st is a general barbecue prohibition in the park.
The ban had been hanging in the air longer. In recent years, barbecue has often questioned in the park by the district administration. There are places preassigned where it could be barbecued and where not.
"Vondelpark is one of the most visited spots by tourists in Amsterdam. Junk, stink and smoke nuisance should not be an issue."
Last year people could barbecue just in two preassigned areas in the park. December 21st 2016 the decision was taken by the district to ban barbecuing in the park. In November indicated a majority of the district administration to have a total ban. Vondelpark is one of the most visited spots by tourists in Amsterdam. Junk, stink and smoke nuisance should not be an issue.
The board committee South had until December 21st the time to change his mind. It has not happened. Result: Vondelpark is from March 1st has become a no-go area to smoldering coals.
The driving force behind the ban is the VVD (People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie)). Inconveniences experienced by residents; smoke and additional costs that barbecue causes - disposable barbecues made holes and blackened pieces on the lawn - made the difference for the ban.
"We spend each year a lot of money to clean up garbage and repairing damage caused by barbecues," - the party says. - "That is money that we could use better in the South." - he continues.
With the support of PvdA, CDA and the Party Elders get the liberals enough support to approve the ban: from March 1st 2017 is a general barbecue ban in the park.
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