
Showing posts from February, 2017

FINANCE #69 Boost your blog income with Ruth

Ruth Soukup is an author, speaker, the successful founder of the blog Since launching with humble beginnings in 2010, Living Well Spending Less has become one of the most popular personal finance blogs on the net, receiving more than one million unique visitors per month. In addition to founding Elite Blog Academy , she is the New York Times Bestselling author of Living Well, Spending Less: 12 Secrets of the Good Life, as well as the author of the bestselling blogging guide How to Blog for Profit (Without Selling Your Soul). Her next book, Unstuffed: Decluttering Your Home, Mind & Soul (Harper Collins) will be released in the spring of 2016. TIP #1 The exact steps you need to take, and in what order, so that you are not stuck spinning your wheels, and instead creating massive momentum. A clear blog structure is critical to a blogger's success. Find out how to organize your blog so that your readers can always find  exactly what the...

FREEDOM #68 58 Million School-Age Children Receive No Schooling In World Today

Great idea for  TEDx or for any conference  for education or sustainability Because  58 Million School-Age Children Receive No Schooling In World Today Students of today are the leaders of tomorrow. We have an opportunity to teach them right from wrong, good from bad and demonstrate by example how a vision can translate into action and make a difference in the world. - Brad Zarnett says on I say s tudents of today are smarter.   What if we found a foundation which pays school kids. Let's say they gonna receive money to their bank account after every written and oral test. If children (4-6 years till 26 years) receive a high grade they receive higher amount. Exemple: between 1,62 and 0,64 Euros at elementary school (ES),  4,86 and 1,92 Euros at high school (HS),  and 14,58 and 5,76 Euros at college or university (UNI).   20 lessons per week:   Monday: Math - Business - Physics - Chemistry...

FASHION #67 Facebook shapes your taste

Brand loyalty?  I think a lot about marketing. 20  years ago I thought it is only possible to get people to be loyal to a brand if they are between 11 and 17. When you do not work and you do not earn your own money. You run to the store for a teen magazine or CD (driven by emotion). When you earn your own money you have other priorities: rent, insurance, kids' school items, retiredment savements. You do not run to the store at age of 34. You order online or plan your trip to the store with your child or friend. As a Facebook survey says it is driven by trust and service but the highest % is TASTE  with 39% versus trust 17-23%. It is not just about grocery, car insurance, airlines, restaurants and hotels. It is about social media itself. It is taste. Facebook or Twitter? LinkedIn or BeBee? Snapchat or Tumblr? So, take it easy. Does not matter how many reclame spots attack you every day via TV, youtube, social media, your taste does win. Happy? "We found that...

SZABADSÁG #66 Az anyanyelv nemzetközi napja

Today I will write in Hungarian (magyarul) because it is my mother tongue. First announced by UNESCO on 17 November 1999, International Mother Language Day was formally recognized by the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution establishing 2008 as the International Year of Languages. It is a worldwide annual observance held on 21 February to promote awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. Az UNESCO közgyűlése február 21-ikét az anyanyelv nemzetközi napjává nyilvánította. Brüsszel 2014 február 21  - Egyenlő esélyeket Európában. Ez  Kósa Ádám, az első siket EP-képviselő  jelszava. "Hiszek az álmaimban. Hiszem, hogy együtt egy olyan Európát építhetünk, amelyben mindenki egyenlő esélyeket kap. Fiatal korom óta küzdök fogyatékkal élő embertársaimért. Öt esztendeje az Európai Parlament képviselőjeként dolgozok értük. Ma már sokkal jobban figyelnek ránk. Számít a hangunk....

FASHION #65 Love lyrics translation: Isolated area

Anno I translated Majka: Belehalok for fans abroad >>> 40.000.000 views on YouTube. Both Majka and Caramel have deap and meaninful lyrics. Now ( 2.554.099 views )  Caramel: Elzárt övezet (Isolated area) Only the trees are singing about us, You whispered only into the wind where you go, Where we lived in our dreams, Will you find back there again? I am hearing from the word of the violin It is calling far from monotonous world  Today it wakes up in the fire of sun Heart shoots flower of love Csak a fák dalolnak rólunk, Csak a szélbe súgtad merre jársz, Ahol álmainknak éltünk, Oda vissza többé hogy találsz? Hegedű szavában hallom Monoton világból messze hív Ma a nap tüzében ébred Szerelemvirágot hajt a szív Chorus: Well, throw me away, catch me, I wait for you the same way,  the same way,   the same way Take my heart's songs, spread them to the world Reach me, do not run away,  do not  run away,  do not  run aw...

FREEDOM #64 "Don't need make-up, to cover up, Being the way that you are is enough"

Who said that? Treating people nice, does not cost anything. It does not matter who you were; but to keep a part of that who you are now. The sexiest thing a girl can wear is a smile. - or boy I believe in equality. God loves everyone. In our show is everyone welcome. Do not choose who is beautiful in the eyes of the world, choose who makes your world beautiful. It takes just a second to say to a girl "You're fat." She remembers for a lifetime, and who knows what she does for her body afterwards. Think before you speak. We decide that we want to live the fullest or just want to exist. If you have to choose between your heart and your mind, always go with your heart. The mind knows everyone, but only you know your heart. A dream is just a dream, as long as you do not decide to make it true. Age is just a number. Maturity is a choice. A         B         C         D         E ...

FREEDOM #63 Support 3RDiTEK on kickstarter (crowdfunding 2.0) I am interested in 3RDiTEK to try it out

Hey, great that you came back to my blog. When I started I promissed to myself it wont be be just a regular fashion blog, with cloths and make-up. So it is... Now about tech - for men and young moms, grandparents or YouTube megastars of the future...  Mostly I write about books or events but this product is so awesome that I can not miss it. It is still on kickstarter (crowdfunding 2. 0 ) Sign up wih your email address and get a huge discount! I am  interested in 3RDiTEK to try it out as one of the first fff-freedom bloggers... ;) See video below. Support 3RDiTEK on kickstarter (crowdfunding 2.0)  I am interested in 3RDiTEK to try it out Why? 4 reasons: tech  HD camera - autofocus tiny comparing with others which look like scuba dive glasses free hands to teach your kid cycling or travel without people gonna think you are from Japan WHAT IS THE PRICE AND WHAT DOES IT INCLUDE? Check out the different reward levels on kickstarter for pricing, the ...