FASHION #14 How amazing is it?

How amazing is it when a Swiss magazine shares your blog in headline? 3th time in 1 month!! 
I just shared yesterday a blog of NATHAN MIZRACHI on Twitter about free courses and learning to use a strategy to get published in a major publication. So it was his blog now, not mine but it is really in my mind: 
  1. Strategy to get published?
  2. How to organize a press conference in Amsterdam, NL incl. a unique catwalk?
    1. I know where... I just must talk to the marketing and PR department
    2. video invitation to fashion and female journalists who count
    3. DJ
  3. Which month is the best to launch a bag brand?
    1. february or march?
If you are a fashion or female journalist and you are interested to come, sure or maybe, you can send us your contact details to:


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