FOOD #136 Breakfast in Malaga

I missed the breakfast yesterday at the hostel so I was forced to eat something outside an hour later. What to do in Malaga in this case?

BEST breakfast: DBandera (Pintxos y tapas)

sandwich de pollo con salsa guacamole



Spontan lunch: ice cream 

4 balls €5

WORST dinner La Parrilla delicatessen

wok de verduras pollo y gambas



*why the worst? Very little chicken and gambas. I was not hungry before but I became hungry after. 

I promissed myself:

• not missing breakfast

• eat a tapas per meal (between €1,50 - €2,50)

• playing music longer... not just 1 hour

Fun fact at DBandera: a group of Spanish civil guard officials came in to drink cappucino. They had elegant green uniform. I saw similar in Italy next to the Colosseum. It remembered me my uncle when he was soldiar. He was 24. I was 10. 


Whatever you eat or drink, Malaga centrum is 50% cheaper than harbour. 

drink €1,50 instead €2,80

food €5 or €7 instead €10 or €14

PS. By the way tap water is quit good.

Sandwich de pollo


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