FREEDOM #121 Russia launched a war against Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

Russia launched a war against Ukraine on February 24, 2022. 

I am tired of wars. Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Iraq, Syria.

I have one solution: when a president is elected he cannot be older than 56 and he can rule maximum 4 years till age 60. 

"Lukashenko is the second longest-serving European president since the presidency of Belarus, and laws passed in the meantime have extended his term until 2036." - Wikipedia

What? He will be 70 in october. He will be 84 in 2036.  

Trump, the other ..................... is 75.

Oh, no!!

I understand if she is a queen or he is a king like II. Elisabeth or Willem Alexander. But come on, a president?! 

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy is 44 and he is actor, commedian, lawyer, media enterpreneur (producer), owner of 

Kwartal 95 Studio.

God, help please. I do not want to see people in power with dental prosthesis, rolator, diapered. The world needs smart young people. Can be the president of Russia a Russian rock singer? Similar like P!nk. What do you think? 


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