FREEDOM #98 SUMMER BOOKS 2017 - for students & teachers
OK, I have got it. The title is plural. Summer books 2017 -
for students & teachers.
Books but it is about one book.
Sorry, it wont be a long list today as I did it on the day Trump was choosed as president and 2-3 times before and after.
Sentini Grunberg motivation speaker says:
My book is "for ambitious people."
""people who have big goals but they forget to enjoy life
because they work as crazy" Yes, - I, Szilvia Boda, say: "But when you are 13 years old
and you feel you are ambitious which means:
= dreams, goals, plans, wanna change the wolrd -
but everyone is against you;
but everyone is against you;
Specially your parents:
- dancing is just a hobby
- making of make-up is just a hobby
- designing of cloths, bags, house interiors are just hobbies
- creating pottery and stone scuptures are just hobbies"
Dear parents (mums without dads
and dads
without mums),
I wanna disappoint you. Dancer, make-up artist,
fashion & interior
designer, potter are NOT hobbies!
They are professions with passion.
#MUSTREAD Sentini Grunberg: Joyful ondernemen
(Dutch written 125 pages 9789462985032 May2017/
Nederlands geschreven, 125 paginas)
Extra: Practical, Inspiring, Surprising, Nice to share I ordered Sentini Grunberg's book in June to take it to Rome
for a 1 day business trip. To read at the hotel or in the plane. I've already started
in Amsterdam... Sentini is a dancer, choreographer, motivation speaker &
presenter. I can absolutely recommend the book of Sentini Grunberg for
students from 13 to 99 years & for masters, teachers and school
Read her opinions & experiences as a young businesswoman & her memories of Suriname who formed her, who she is now. Success Sentini in LA, California. I hope you're back soon... The book ended with a young Italian student / music & film producer who does not speak Dutch yet, but has a girlfriend in NL and he works in Ecuador. He said that he would translate the book into English by his friend to get inspiration. :)
Please note, your review is not immediately visible.
DUTCH VERSION: Pluspunten: Praktisch, Inspirerend, Verrassend, Leuk om te delen
Ik heb het boek van Sentini Grunberg in juni besteld om het
mee te nemen naar Rome naar een 1 dag- zakenreis. Om in het hotel of in de
vliegtuig te lezen. Ik ben al in Amsterdam ermee begonnen... Sentini is dancer,
choreograaf, motivation speaker & presentatrice. Absolute aanrader voor
scholieren vanaf 13 tot 99 jaar & voor juffen, meesters, docenten &
school directeuren. Lees haar adviezen & ervaringen als jonge onderneemster
& haar herinneringen van Suriname die haar vormde, wie ze nu is. Succes
Sentini in LA, California. Ik hoop dat je snel terug ben... Het boek belandde
bij een jonge Italiaanse student/ muziek & film producer die nog geen
Nederlands spreekt, maar een vriendin in NL heeft en in Ecuador werkt. Hij zei
dat hij het boek door zijn vriendin naar Engels zal laten vertalen dat hij
ervan inspiratie kan uithalen. :)
Let op, je review is niet direct zichtbaar.
Do you wanna write your review?
Do it on: Search for her name Sentini
sign up with a new account if you are new customer
and tell us what you think... ;)
And a great advies from Robert Kiyosaki (one of my rol models after Andras Kepes, Sandor Friderikusz and Tamas Frei - all TV reporters, the greatest teachers from my youth):
Because our kid’s dream of being entrepreneurs, they’ll face a system in school that is bent on breaking that dream, teaching them to follow conventional rules for success, replacing their dreams with the old plan of getting a good job.
Because of this, it’s up to parents to nurture and cultivate their children’s dreams—and to direct the rule-breaking tendency from negative actions to positive challenges to the status quo.
Dear Mr. Kiyosaki,
is it not that 5% of the people do not listen to their poor parents
and get there does not matter how much work it does cost?
95% are just smoking joint or watching tv series with kids after 6-8 hours "hard" work.
Do I see it right? SOS I am workaholic. haha
And a great advies from Robert Kiyosaki (one of my rol models after Andras Kepes, Sandor Friderikusz and Tamas Frei - all TV reporters, the greatest teachers from my youth):
Because our kid’s dream of being entrepreneurs, they’ll face a system in school that is bent on breaking that dream, teaching them to follow conventional rules for success, replacing their dreams with the old plan of getting a good job.
Because of this, it’s up to parents to nurture and cultivate their children’s dreams—and to direct the rule-breaking tendency from negative actions to positive challenges to the status quo.
Dear Mr. Kiyosaki,
is it not that 5% of the people do not listen to their poor parents
and get there does not matter how much work it does cost?
95% are just smoking joint or watching tv series with kids after 6-8 hours "hard" work.
Do I see it right? SOS I am workaholic. haha
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