FREEDOM #33 - Chantal Janzen in The Longing (Het Verlangen) (shoot of the #movie)

Frans van Gestel, Arnold Heslenfeld and Laurette Schillings are the producer trio of the new Dutch comedy. 

The sceenshoot was last night near ARTIS on the Plantage Middenlaan in the Plantage area in Amsterdam Central. I took place between 9PM. till 1.15AM. They used a oil green JEEP and a personal car and recorded how the actor is dropped off to the front door. 

Actors and actresses: 
Chantal Janzen

Also Gijs Naber, Alex Klaasen, Jelka van Houten, Bram van der Vlugt, Anne-Wil Blankers, Peter Bolhuis, Cynthia Abma and Jochum ten Haaf will be part of the cast. The scenario is written by Frank Ketelaar; Joram Lürsen will be directing the film.

The film will be released in Dutch cinemas Spring 2017. Principal photography starts in April 2016.


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