FASHION #6 How much does a stylist earn today?

A charming and hard-working 14-year-old girl approached me on Twitter, whether if I would be her stylist. Because she wants to be a singer and she doesn't know what kind of clothes fit to wear on stage.
I felt honored, and I thought that all I know about styling, I learned from my mother. Anno when I was a teenager and we had same size, we choosed for clothing exchange. You can see the result of 2 photoshoots on my private Facebook profile and company pages. I selected my clothes by myself and Michel my make-up artist said i have a good taste. So it looks like this thing, called taste, is inherited.

After a long discussion we agreed what the young lady likes and mega-talented singer Vera Tóth answered my letter "How much does a stylist earn today in Hungary (daily fee)?". I made about 30 pictures about potential costumes, I've bought one because I was afraid that by the time we get to the first live show, it will be removed from the collection. I also managed to buy two T-Shirst for 2 euros on a Dutch 'Vrijmarkt', from a 10-year-old little boy.

Now that school began again, less time on Twitter and more homeworks and singing lessons. But I hope we can start a good cooperation after the half-year certificate. Regardless that I'm not in Hungary and I cannot participate in the styling training of the publisher of Nők Lapja Café. I think it is a fantastic initiative... ;)


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