FOOD #111 Shop & learn a new laguage
Okay, 1,5 m distance, no friends, but who said it must be bored.
Learn a new language with me.
Budget: €40 Total 32 products
Dutch - English - Spanish - Hungarian
2 rode bieten - beetroot - remolacha - cékla
1 aardbeien - strawberries - fresas - eper
3 mais - corn - elote - csemegekukorica
1 banan - bananas - bananas - banán
1 aloe vera drank - drink - beber - üdítő
1 curry saus - sauce -salsa - szósz
1 carbonara - carbonara - carbonara - ...
2 tomaten s. - tomato s. - s. de tomates - paradicsom sz.
2 rode ui - red onion - cabolla roja - lilahagyma
1 bolognese - bolognese - bolognese - bolognese
4 spaghetti pasta - s. pasta - pasta - s. tészta
1 lycees - lycees - lycees - lycees
1 schrijfblok - notebook - bloc de notas - füzet
1 natte doekjes - wet wipes - toallitas húmedas - arctörlő
1 poffertjes - mini pancakes - mini crepé - palacsinta
4 aardappel puree - mashed potatos - puré de patatas - krumplipüré
2 (20) eieren - eggs - huevo - tojás/tojások
1 gember drank - ginger drink - jengibre beber - gyömbér üdítő
1 capuccino poeder - c. powder - polvo de cappuccino - c. por
1 (60) Engelse thee - English tea - inglese té - angol tea
Which language is the easiest?
No meat, no candy.
Okay, pancake is a little one...
#stayhome #staysafe #takecare
PS. I have been at the shop on April 1st.
Today is April 16th.
So 2 weeks... enough stocks to cook.
Last time I bought more fresh vegetables but budget is budget. My brain cannot survive a quarantine without tea, eggs and sauces. The rest is bonus.
If you can (mayo, tomato sauce etc.), choose the glass or canned version instead of the plastic. Why? Because the glass is a good vase for spring flowers afterwards and you can put ground and seeds into the can on the terrace. So you will have all the vegatables in your kitchen &
zero waste.
FOOD #102 Someting to celebrate? Book a table at this Lebanese restaurant in Amsterdam East
FOOD #107 We love spring & gardening
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