
Showing posts from November, 2023

FOOD #136 Breakfast in Malaga

I missed the breakfast yesterday at the hostel so I was forced to eat something outside an hour later. What to do in Malaga in this case? BEST breakfast: DBandera (Pintxos y tapas) sandwich de pollo con salsa guacamole cappucino €9,50 Spontan lunch: ice cream  4 balls €5 WORST dinner La Parrilla delicatessen wok de verduras pollo y gambas aqua €15,70 *why the worst? Very little chicken and gambas. I was not hungry before but I became hungry after.  I promissed myself: • not missing breakfast • eat a tapas per meal (between €1,50 - €2,50) • playing music longer... not just 1 hour Fun fact at DBandera: a group of Spanish civil guard officials came in to drink cappucino. They had elegant green uniform. I saw similar in Italy next to the Colosseum. It remembered me my uncle when he was soldiar. He was 24. I was 10.  Advice:  Whatever you eat or drink, Malaga centrum is 50% cheaper than harbour.  drink €1,50 instead €2,80 food €5 or €7 instead €10 or €14 PS. By the ...

FREEDOM #135 Spot on the street - Malaga

Arriving to hostel was 25 minutes from the airport ✈. Take C1 to Malaga Center and you are there. But today came the surprise: no street music. Police 🚔 informed me that street musicians need to pay tax to city hall. Okay, I stop playing. But where can I play 🥁? At city hall (Ayuntaminto) a very kind agent said, it is true, but you can play at the park. Here opposite the city hall. Noone will control it.  Yes!! And who came to my Park concert?  2 Hungarian guys and a Dutch lady. The lady also gave me 3 avocados and a pomelo. Because they leave today.  ♡ weather is beautiful ♡ food is the best (salmon and cheese) (camambert and jam) (still ice tea)  * tapas bar: Difficult to choose... (coconut cake with cinnemon and powder sugar) * bakery: ♡ harbour has an amazing view and street vendors * ♡ many people speak English opposite to people in Sevilla ♡ supermarket is hard to find to buy bread, sampoo etc. Tiny 24/7 shops are in the center but a samp...