
Showing posts from November, 2020

FREEDOM #117 Karma, maybe from Tibet or Nepal

This article will be a shared story. I don't know where is this story from (maybe from Tibet or Nepal) but I will do my best to translate it to you as it is. It also sounds like a Hungarian volk tale but this is why world is so small. Isn ' t it? Sounds Tibetian, Nepalian, Hungarian. Three different parts of the world, but universal.  How are human being? Milyenek az emberek? Once upon a time, an old man was sitting at the gates of a city market. Egyszer régen egy városi piac kapujánál ülßdögélt egy öregember.  He saw who was coming in, who was going out, he knew everything about the  people who lived there. Látta ki jön be, ki megy ki, mindent tudott az ott lakók életéről. It happened once that a young man, a young wanderer, came to him and asked the old man: Történt egyszer, hogy arra jött egy fiatalember, egy ifjú vándor, és megkérdezte az öreget: Tell me, old man, what kind of people live here in this city? Mondd apóka, milyen emberek élnek itt, ebben a városban? The ...