FINANCE #105 You won't believe what happened in Amsterdam last night

You won't believe what happened in Amsterdam last night. Nem fogod elhinni, mi történt tegnap éjjel Amsterdamban? (This is my first bilingual article. Usually I write in English. Now English-Hungarian. Comment if you liked it, if you think, it was useful to improve your English skills. Comment if you also have a bilingual blog. Like English-Spanish or English-Arabic (phonetic subtitle without Arabic characters) I neither believe it, so little is the chance that this meeting happens to me. Én se hiszem el, annyira ritka az ilyen találkozás. Only tree minutes. Csak három perc. Or two. Vagy kettő. But it does exist. Pedig létezik. It comes only to you if you go after the opportunities. Csak hát keresni kell a lehetőségeket. One more reason for it, if you are freelancer (too,) like me. Főleg, ha az ember szabadúszó (is), mint én. Okay, I do not key you longer. Na jó, nem csigázlak tovább. I am telling you. Elmo...