
Showing posts from September, 2018

FREEDOM #100 A little Finland in Amsterdam OOST - Start the Purification Rundown (sauna detox program) in Amsterdam East

Start the Purification program now! Follow my journey 56 days long. Why to participate? To rid yourself of the harmful effects of drugs, toxins and other chemicals that lodge in your body and create a biochemical barrier to spiritual well-being. Day 1   ( tuesday  17 september )  - I started with 10 minutes exercise and 2 hours sitting at the sauna.  2-3 people come together and we start to tell jokes. I only remember good jokes. The rest I forget quickly.  I drank 1.2 liters water and took 10 different vitamins. Everything is personalized by a professional supervisor. No special reactions, yet. I never work with chemical product and never used dangerous drugs. If you purchase L. Ron Hubbard: CLEAN BODY, CLEAN MIND book, the end of the book are many testimonials and success stories of people: by painters, by artists, by airplane mechanics, by make-up artists etc. Ask me how to purchase it. Day 2   ( wednesday  18 september )...

FASHION #99 Retailers wanted in the Netherlands or elsewhere

Beste lezer, ken je iemand die een eigen kapperzaak runt? Ik ben op zoek naar retailers die handtassen willen verkopen. Namelijk - tandartspraktijken 🌝 - dames en heren kapperzaken 💇 ‍ ♀ ️ - manicure en pedicure salons 💅 - beauty & wax salons 🍯 - museum shops & tattoo salons #retailersgezocht in Nederland De tas heeft 6, 9, of 12 zakjes binnen. De zaak moet een klein hoekje hebben voor een IKEA vitrine & 3 tassen als showmodellen (en budget voor voorraad - kleinschalig). Bedankt voor meedenken, Szilvia Boda oprichter BodabagsFashion --------------------------------- Dear reader, Do you know someone who runs his own hair/ barber shop? I am looking for retailers who want to sell handbags. Namely - dental practices 🌝 - ladies and gentlemen hairdresser's shops 💇♀ ️- manicure and pedicure salons 💅 - beauty & wax salons 🍯 - museum shops & tattoo salons #retailerswanted in the Netherlands or elsewhere The bag has 6, 9, or 1...