FREEDOM #98 SUMMER BOOKS 2017 - for students & teachers
OK, I have got it. The title is plural. Summer books 2017 - for students & teachers. Books but it is about one book. Sorry, it wont be a long list today as I did it on the day Trump was choosed as president and 2-3 times before and after. FREEDOM #92 Unexpected stories from unexpected places FOOD #37 - Foodless? Glutenfree? Lactosefree? Then Carlijn Bröring! ...and her book FOODLESS FINANCE #40 - My election (TOP10 non-fiction) Sentini Grunberg motivation speaker says: My book is "for ambitious people." ""people who have big goals but they forget to enjoy life because they work as crazy" Yes, - I, Szilvia Boda, say: "But when you are 13 years old and you feel you are ambitious which means: = dreams, goals, plans, wanna change the wolrd - but everyone is against you; Specially your parents: dancing is just a hobby making of make-up is just a hobby designing of cloths, bags, house interiors a...