FREEDOM #36 - Download App Smule to sing a 'duett' with your favorite singer

This article isn't written if Christina Grimmie is still alive. My condolence to everyone who loved and supported her on her journey. Listening to her covers was so unique moment...: if there is no wifi at home temporary. Finaly connection. Then let's check it out if Christina uploaded something. She can not do it anymore. So sad. I discovered something today on the biggest video-sharing website. I thought I wanna talk about it because it strucked me by lightning. Because of the death of Christina. A super amazing 'duett' by Anastacia & Anna Patai. (also Colors, Hold on, Shake it...2o16). By using the app SMULE. Jeff, wow. I hope it will spread as fast and as broad like social media itself. To millions. Old and young. Anna is a young talented singer from Budapest, Hungary. She was just 1o years old when she participated at a national talent show on TV and few years later she won a Japanese talent show with a Japanese song... Hat off... Go! Go! Go! '...